Saturday, May 16, 2009

We Are All in the Same Boat.

You would have to live in a cave (a cave without wireless internet, cell reception or human contact) in order to avoid the fact that the world is going through some pretty hefty changes these days. Some folks have been relatively sheltered from the storm, many have had significant impact to their lives, their livelihoods and their world.

I propose that those who have been somewhat sheltered reach out to help those who have been impacted. I don't think you have to look too far at all. A friend (or friends), a family member, a co-worker (or ex co-worker). How can we help each other out? How can we take care of those around us? How can we be the vehicle for creating community, support and kindness for those in our immediate sphere?

Here are some thoughts:

  1. Make a friend a delicious homemade dinner and let them take the leftovers for lunch.
  2. Share items from your garden with a neighbor.
  3. Host a book/clothing/toy exchange at your home - everyone brings an item (or three) to exchange for something else...a "new to them" item.
  4. Make enough lunch to share with someone at work.
  5. Send an email, make a phone call or send one of those greeting cards piling up in your office to someone you love to let them know you are thinking about them.
  6. Hire your friend/neighbor/family member to provide a service to you in a skill area they are wonderful at.
  7. Burn a CD and give it to a friend.
  8. Loan movies/books/magazines to each other.
  9. Plan a "free day" excursion to visit the library, museum (on free day - most have one), nibble on Costco samples and window shop at local stores.
  10. Reach out to co-workers who are being laid off and connect with them, create a link and stay in touch. We should never be too busy to be kind and caring to our fellow humans.

We are all in the same boat and we need to take care of each other and let kindness be our currency.